About Us

Our Story

Elfbilt is a custom design shop producing hand-made functional artwork and instrument accessories for music enthusiasts, collectors, and artists. Starting in January 2021, our business is locally owned and operated in Fairfax, Virginia. Our products represent a lifelong passion for quality and craftsmanship. 

Builds & Designs

  • Guitar Artwork
  • Guitar Stands
  • Pedal Boards

Our core pieces are custom guitar artwork, guitar stands, and pedal boards. The hand-fashioned crafts are professionally designed and constructed from high quality raw materials. Most of our products are nearly indestructible (video coming soon). 


Meet the Team

Sam Whetzel - Musician, Artist, Welder - the creative force pushing Elfbilt forward. After earning a degree in Guitar Performance, Sam became a professional fabricator, teacher, and musician. (picture credits to @Carterloushoots) 

Ben Whetzel - Entrepreneur, Operations, Customer Service - managing general business operations and sales + marketing channels. Sharing stories and building relationships. Virginia born & learned.